Member Calendar
Member Calendar
Gen Up 9925 OCT
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Instructor: Bill Gallagher This is the General Update Course. Commission Rule 58A .1702 dictates that every NC broker must take 8 hours of CE each year to maintain active license status (or to maintain eligibility for active status). The 8 ...
TRENDS: The Current & Future Direction of the Real Estate Profession #3439
1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
With fresh new trends for 2024, this course incorporates legislative issues that influence real estate practice, trends and statistics that affect real estate brokerage including agency, fiduciary duties, and risk management. Real estate licensees can ...
BIC Up 8825 OCT
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Instructor: Bill Gallagher This is the BICUP Course. Commission Rule 58A .1702 dictates that every NC broker must take 8 hours of CE each year to maintain active license status (or to maintain eligibility for active status). The 8 hours ...
Ethics in the Age of Disruption #3592
1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
In this Age of Disruption where there are so many challenges to the professionalism of real estate licensees, our only hope as a profession rests on how well we fulfill fiduciary duties, our adherence to the REALTOR® Code of Ethics and the elevation of ...